What We Believe

What We Believe at Laboring Hands

  • We Believe in Informed Decision Making

    You have a right to the information about what would be done and available throughout your pregnancy in care or testing.

  • We Believe in Preventative Care

    A healthy pregnancy is best supported by a full look into nutrition, activity level, and stessors that may effect the body. Taking a look at the whole woman and her life allows us to better support the pregnancy throughout.

  • We Believe in being "With Woman"

    Our desire is to build relationship during the prenatal care to better understand Mom’s hopes and expectations of support throughout her labor. The more we can get to know our families prenatally, the better we can help meet that desire.

  • We Believe in Well Developed Birth Plans

    Birth is best supported through understanding all the options that lay before us, whether that be water birth at home or a birth that ends up requiring medical support. We help families build a well rounded plan that makes them feel best supported, no matter the outcome.

  • We Believe in Evidence Based Care and Less Medical Intervention

    Our goal as a practice is to provide you with the most up-to-date information surrounding outcomes of decisions made throughout your pregnancy. It is also our goal to provide you with the least medically interventive care. We believe birth is very much a natural experience that needs more to be observed than “involved” by your care provider.

  • We Believe in Providing a Safe and Secure Environment

    A mom wants to feel like the team she has chosen to surround her at the time of her birth ahs her best interest at heart, and that is our goal. We hope to have built a rapport with our moms that allow her to transition into the unknown of each labor with the confidence that her team is there to surround and support her throughout.

“......Respecting the woman as an important and valuable human being and making certain that the woman’s experience while giving birth is fulfilling and empowering is not just a nice extra, it is absolutely essential as it makes the woman strong and therefore makes society strong.” 

— Marsden Wagner